Men's Ministry

Men’s Ministry

Men’s Ministry at LifeSpring Community Church
Without direction and practice, most men can fire an arrow, but few can hit the mark. One of the ways the Bible defines sin is “missing the mark.” Most of us know that if you want to hit the mark, the first thing you have to do is to aim for it! After that key step, it takes practice and oftentimes the encouragement of friends to get good at hitting the mark.

The purpose of men’s ministries at LifeSpring is to help men know what to aim for and to learn how to hit that target. Together, we want to be the best we can be – the men God intends us to be. We will learn by studying Scripture together, but also by spending time together intentionally giving each other tips to improve our aim and to rely upon the spirit of the greatest marksman of all, Jesus Christ.

What we do

Regularly get together to study Scripture together, to encourage one another and to hold each other accountable
Learn to be better leaders in the home, at work and in our community
Serve and help people inside and outside the church
Fun activities

Friday Morning Men’s Bible Study

Men’s Bible Study is Friday mornings, at Midwest Breakfast.